
  • 6월 4일 토익
    토익 2021. 6. 4. 11:58

    proclaim ~이라고 보여주다. 선언하다

    affordable 알맞은 가격의

    compilation : 모음집

    treasury : 금고

    evaluation : 평가


    Araneta Emporium proclaimed that it has the largest (selection) of affordable footwear for all occasions.


    rank 평가하다, 매기다, 차지하다

    hygiene 위생


    Dacosta Manufacturing has continually ranked as the number one producer of first-rate cleansing and hygiene products.


    concern 배려 걱정 염려

    subordinate 부하 하급자

    upright 자세가 꼿꼿한 똑바른

    marked 뚜렷한, 사람과 함께 쓰일경우 악명높은 요주의.


    Tom Brown has always shown a lot of concern for his subordinates, so it's not surprising that the staff has chosen him as the company's most (considerate) manager.

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